For the Comeback Show "Romantic Fantasy" recording today, the girls will perform 16 songs in about 70mins, and talk part around 30mins. Both in 2 episodes.
For the Comeback Show "Romantic Fantasy" recording today, the girls finished perofrming Gee, Oh!, and Dancing Queen out of 16songs they will perform today.
Fan-acc at Comeback Show "Romantic Fantasy" recording today :
- MBC only allowing fans to use phone when break time, if they found out someone using phone, they will be banned.
- Yoona keep saying she's hungry, and she yawned during Gee Rehearsal.
- Yoona and Sooyoung keep saying A-YO GG in baby voices
- Taeyeons ask fans "Gee is boring isnt it?" Fans : "No~" Taeyeon : "Be Honest!"
- Taeyeon and Tiffany singing a new duet song.
- Jessica: oppa fans put your hand up!- many hands were put. Jessica: There are still a lot (oppa fan)
- Taeyeon said that they feel tired because they were older now. And said that Sones were also older now so they feel tired as well. when came to topic about age, Sooyoung teased Taeyeon saying that:" Taeyeon will turn 25 in a week time, sones do you guys know?" Then Taeyeon became quiet and Sooyoung shut her mouth up.
- The girls perform Paparazi too
- Taeyeon asked were fan doze then Yoona started to sing "can't sleep well, can't eat well"(lyric). members and fans die laughing
- They recorded Promise, a new ballad song and talked
- said that Fan-acc on DCTYGall about TaeNy Duet are False. there are no TaeNy Duet.
- The members family came today
Keep Open Mind until the broadcast day, there are so many fan-acc, but not all 100% true, some are trolling.
- when Yoona left, she shouted 1+1=2 very cool and disappeared.
- The girls kept singing christmas carols, Taeyeon and Yoona said they like Urban Zacapa songs and sing "I Hate You" a little
- said Yuri has a cold, and Tiffany said Yuri’s voice sounds cute when she’s sick and Yuri and Yoona keep playing around
- They've done recording 5 songs in 5 hours, its lunch break now.
- when the fans seemed quiet/tired, Tiffany suddenly asked, "do you want me to sing a [christmas] carol?" and started singing a medley
-Seohyun hugged Yoona to talk then Sooyoung hugged Seohyun
- someone wrote that Tiffany imitated No Hongchul’s ‘elevator guy’ dance in gangnam style