Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Compilation Of FanAcc On Fukuoka Concert Day 1

[Trans] 130227 Fukuoka Concert Fan Account:
"Taeyeon was pushing the box around while playing, there were no more ball in the box but Taeyeon pretended to take out 'air' balls from the box. She held them like basketball and shoo!. She did it for about 3 times, having fun and practising on her own."

Korean tweet: @JEONGYongEun
Original tweet: futae6916
Trans: @imwhywhy

During Oh's chitchat/chattering dance, YoonTae were bumping each other's butt! RT @yoontaeworld: @risse9 @/km_k_rin 【ソシコン福岡1日目】
後ろでユンテがお尻でどつきあいしてた(^q^)wwww ? YoonTae?

Everyone might be saying Tiffany's voice is loud today, it is the case, but Taeyeon-san's voice is loud too, in probably I'm a Diamond, originally because Taeyeon's fanservice was alot it felt like super Taeyeon-san's time RT @/ym_sone_kanako: 福岡1日目レポ:みんなパニの声大きいっていうけど、まぁ、そうなんだけど←今日はテヨンさんも大きくて、I'm A Diamondのときとかはもう元々テヨンさんサビ多いからもうスーパーテヨンさんタイムな気がしたwww

During TaeNy's Goodbye part at Mister Taxi, Tiffany was doing goodbye to Taeyeon cutely but Taeyeon didn't notice RT @/Ringo_1212: (福岡ソシ)ミスタクのティパとテヨンのグッバーイのとこティパは横のテヨンに可愛くグッバーイてやってたのにテヨンは気づいてなかった。

Yuri: "The onw who likes cosplay, Yuri!" Yoona: "I've wanted to come in Fukoka!" Yoona did it in hakata(fukoka dialect) RT @ym_sone_kanako: 福岡1日目レポ:MC ユリ「コスプレが好きなユリでーす!」ユナ「福岡ばり来たかったとよー」ユナの博多弁にやられました…

saw the situation at the side stage, i think it's before paparazzi, while the staffs were preparing the boxes, Tiffany was at the sidestage watching the video RT @/myyn_2: 舞台袖の様子も見れたんだけど、パパラチの前かな?ボックスをスタッフさんが準備してる間、舞台袖でパニが映像見てた♥

Which reminds me, during what song was it, Tiffany and Seohyun kiss didn't they. RT @/taeyeon3914: そいえば、なんかの曲のときに、ティパとソヒョン ちゅーしてなかった?笑笑

Miyoung-san was trying to land a kinda wild popo(kiss), to who was it again? Was it Yuri?! RT @a_9tjsthysys9: そうだ!

Seohyun and others did crayon shinchan dance during say yes RT @/chayaka418: SAY YESでそひょんちゃん他数名がクレしんダンスしてた\(^o^)/みんなあそんでたーーー♡♡♡

lol today victim is Tiffany RT @kiichan03090801: シジャケの犠牲者はパニたん ( ¤̴̶̷̤́ ‧̫̮ ¤̴̶̷̤̀ )❤ お待たせ ( ¤̴̶̷̤́ ‧̫̮ ¤̴̶̷̤̀ )❤

During live, I can hear "Whoo!" or "Ho!", that's Fany right RT @kanatan18: 【確認】ライブ中にやけに聞こえるフゥーとかフォーとか聞こえるのはパニですね

Miyoung-san's excitement was too much, in her own part her adrenaline is on roll. RT @nolzacul: 【ソシ博多1日目レポ】ミヨンさん興奮しすぎで、自分のパートにアレンジかけまくるwwwwwwwww ずっと煽ってたwwwwwwwww #少女時代ツアー

Taeyeon and Fany's mic level seems to be a mistake? It's so loud you can hear other members voice, esp Jessica's RT: yocchanpower: テヨンとパニのマイクレベル調整ミスか?声が大きすぎて他のメンバーの声が聞こえず!特にジェシカ

Taeyeon and Yuri's tension(hype) got weird at the end, they were saying "Arigatogojaimashita! (arigatougozaimasu/thank you)" at the camera with their weird way of saying it RT @natsu09260: テヨン&ユリのテンションが最後おかしなことになってて、カメラに顔近づけて「ありがとうごじゃいましたっ!!」って変な言い方してたのが可愛かった(*≧∀≦*)

They saw the PSY I wrote, and during the talk, Hyo&seo;did Gangnam Style. At the last greeting, Yuri did Gangnam Style and Taeyeon was, "What are you doing!" and said to look here and went "ahh~" then laughed. It was the best RT @/makotiin: うちが書いたPSYを見て、トーク中にソニとヒョヨンがカンナムスタイル(>_<) ♡ 最後の挨拶のときに ユリがカンナムスタイル!でテヨンが「何してんの!~」って突っんでこっち見て「あぁ~!」って言って笑ってた!もう最高! http://t.co/lKAJLdmpMd

trans by @risse9

Tiffany came personally infront of a fan to greet him, who wrote that it’s his birthday on his fanboard.

via @bp_my125

Sunny is the member on duty today :) mentioned that Fukuoka has a lot of yummy food, wants to enjoy Fukuoka & for fans to enjoy the shows!

Source: TaeNyGenie